2008年12月24日 星期三

Reaction Artical (Wintry Weather Sends Shoppers Online)

According to Claire Cain Miller in “Wintry Weather Sends Shoppers Online,” she said that because of the winter storms, consumers bought things on the Internet. Despite the recession, there are more and more people shopping online. And the rates grow up rapidly.

I think why people like to go shopping online is that it saves a lot of time and money. Merchandizes on the Internet are usually cheaper than in the market conditions, so consumers are willing to take a risk to buy them. Moreover, we don’t have to go out to buy goods. For example, if we are lazy or the weather is bad, we can just stay home and click the keyboard and mouse to go shopping online.

Although shopping on the Internet is convenient, we should be care for some conditions. There are thousands of people deceived by the Internet scam clans. They maybe receive your money but not deliver you your merchandizes; or they maybe instruct you to flow your money into their account. Actually, their tricks are various, and they devise new tricks continually. All we can do is make our eyes bright and be careful. Another condition is that the merchandizes are not the same as we saw on the Internet. For most sellers, they will agree to exchange a new one with you. However, there are still some bad sellers who don’t agree to exchange the merchandizes we bought. To the kind of condition, most buyers will choose to forget it. To sum up, we have to think carefully before we buy the merchandizes, which we have not seen personally yet. (268words)
