2008年10月8日 星期三

Reaction Article (Amyris Biotechnologies)

According to Bryan Walsh in “Amyris Biotechnologies,” the article tells us the change of energy. After discovering petroleum, we’ve depended on it since that time. However, petroleum is going to be exhausted. And the global warming is getting much worse. Fortunately, scientists found out a substitute for petroleum.

In my opinion, the biofuel is a good way to slow down the consumption of petroleum. But we can’t rely on it totally, biofuel also contains petroleum. If we don’t save energy from every tiny places as possible as we can. The substituting energy will be used up soon. All we have to save is not only the petroleum but also every natural and artificial resource. For instance, we should turn off the light before leaving room or take public transportation as possible as we can. There are still many ways to save energy; you can do that everywhere and every time. It’s easy to do if you really determine to do so.

I think all of you have known the climate is changing. The most effective reason is CO2, and the CO2 is made from burning coal and petroleum. CO2 will absorb the infrared rays and makes the temperature of earth soaring. If the temperature keeps soaring, the ice in North Pole and South Pole will melt much quicker, and the sea level will soar too. So we all have to use much less petroleum and coal.

To be short, although we've found the new substitute to petroleum, we still have to save as much energy as we can. (258words)
