2008年10月30日 星期四

Reaction Article (Study: AIDS Treatment Should Start Sooner)

According to AP/MARILYNN MARCHIONE in “Study: AIDS Treatment Should Start Sooner.” There will be a drug treatment can be used on humans, and a lot of doctors said that AIDS patients conform to restrictions should take the treatment as soon as possible.

In my opinion, it is a piece of extremely good news. There will be tens of thousands of people saved from the most dreadful disease of 21 century; people live in Africa, South-east Asia and South Asia especially. I had seen a movie which was associated with the AIDS. I truly sympathized with the people infected with AIDS. If you saw that, you and I would have the same thought- They seemed to live in the hail. Now, they have opportunity to live in the world for a longer time. I am really glad for them. However, in the other side, we should cherish our live much more. We’ve known the horror of this disease, why do we still let us infected with AIDS? All we have to do is get away from any way to be infected with the disease. For instance, we must not take drugs, and we also have to do safety measures when having sex. To be short, we must protect ourselves from any diseases. After all, it’s not comfortable having any pains, right? (220words)

2008年10月22日 星期三

Reaction Article (Saving the Working Class with Green-Collar Jobs)

According to Bryan Walsh in “Saving the Working Class with Green-Collar Jobs,” Van Jones told us that we should pay much attention to the importance of the green-collar jobs. For now the recession in America becomes more seriously, he said that we must develop the green-collar jobs caring the blue-collar class. Moreover, he said that if we want to improve climate change, we can’t just protect the environment but meet broad, basic economic needs.

I think we have to make much effort to protect, cherish our earth. The first thing we should do is improve the miserable condition of the earth at present, including the ice melting of the two poles of the earth, acid rain, greenhouse effect etc. The second is we can combine the environmental protecting with the economy. As we are thinking about how to help the earth, we should also think about the life of the working class. For example, the blue-collar jobs have been gradually outsourced from the U.S, and the working class has to pay the high energy prices. To improve the economic condition of the working class, the government must redact some policies like smart subsidies for alternative energy and green building, retraining for green-collar jobs, put much money into researching clean tech. In this way, we can not only improve the climate of the earth but bring a much better life to the working class. (233 words)

2008年10月16日 星期四

Reaction Article (College Students Still Face Voting Stumbling Blocks)

According to Laura Fitzpatrick in “College Students Still Face Voting Stumbling Blocks,” it described problems of students’ voting rights, such as the lack of preparation and the over strict ID laws. Furthermore, it quoted some politicians’ advices to these big problems.

In my opinion, whatever defects of polling will lead to less confidence of citizens to the government, saying nothing of students, who have much expectation to the country. If the government wants to increase the rate of voting, first of all they have to do is make people eager to cast a ballot. To achieve this goal, governments should improve the quality of booths, and set up booths as more as possible. Moreover, governments can offer free shuttles for who lives in remote areas. Second, no matter students or citizens, they should have fair rights of voting. It means not only can they vote but aren’t they restricted excessively.

I think the lower voting rate isn’t only the fault of governments, but every citizen should be responsible for that. Sometimes, we may think it is indifferent that we don’t go to cast a ballot. Actually, the outcome of election may be completely different on account of your ballot. Every one must be concerned with their country’s future, because the country’s future is also theirs. In order to improve the country’s future, the fast and convenient way is voting. For our own happiness and future, why don’t we spend a few minutes going to the booth? (246words)

2008年10月8日 星期三

Reaction Article (Amyris Biotechnologies)

According to Bryan Walsh in “Amyris Biotechnologies,” the article tells us the change of energy. After discovering petroleum, we’ve depended on it since that time. However, petroleum is going to be exhausted. And the global warming is getting much worse. Fortunately, scientists found out a substitute for petroleum.

In my opinion, the biofuel is a good way to slow down the consumption of petroleum. But we can’t rely on it totally, biofuel also contains petroleum. If we don’t save energy from every tiny places as possible as we can. The substituting energy will be used up soon. All we have to save is not only the petroleum but also every natural and artificial resource. For instance, we should turn off the light before leaving room or take public transportation as possible as we can. There are still many ways to save energy; you can do that everywhere and every time. It’s easy to do if you really determine to do so.

I think all of you have known the climate is changing. The most effective reason is CO2, and the CO2 is made from burning coal and petroleum. CO2 will absorb the infrared rays and makes the temperature of earth soaring. If the temperature keeps soaring, the ice in North Pole and South Pole will melt much quicker, and the sea level will soar too. So we all have to use much less petroleum and coal.

To be short, although we've found the new substitute to petroleum, we still have to save as much energy as we can. (258words)

2008年10月6日 星期一

Reaction Article (NASA at 50)

According to Jeffrey Kruger in “NASA at 50,” the article introduces the origin and the development of NASA, and tells us how America changes their policy to the changes of the times.

In my opinion, it’s meaningful to explore the outer space, because there are still a lot of things we don’t know about the universe. America had the foresight and did it in person. They put in a lot of money and efforts to develop the business of searching outer space. Furthermore, they pay much attention to not only the education of subjects but also the cultivation of extracurricular activities. In this way, students in America have much more opportunities then other countries to carry out what they really want to do in the future.

Taiwan seems to take little effort to search the universe. America, however, keeps working on it. I believe there must be other creatures live on somewhere, and maybe some energy resources. We should take more efforts on it and be more active. Nowadays, we can’t just see what we see but explore more and more things we don’t know. I think it’s the same attitude doing everything, no matter studying or working. (203words)